The Only Genuine Jones has now been on sale for just over a week. After the huge spike on day 1, sales have naturally slowed down but things are ticking over; this is usual for a new ebook release, as the first batch of readers get through the book and (eventually) some of them write reviews for Amazon. The book is now on ‘slow boil’ with a handful of sales every day. This is a great position to be in and a solid foundation on which to build future success.
I have already received four glowing reviews on the Amazon page: three of them 5*, and one of them a balanced 4* review which I believe will reflect the views of many climbers who read the book. I think the artistic license I’ve taken with historical events will resonate differently with everyone: some will love my alternative view of history, others will accept it but be well aware of how it differs from fact, while others will simply not ‘get’ it at all. I think most climbers with an awareness of history will fall in the middle category.
In other news, I have already started work on the paperback edition.
An early proof |
Still early days yet, but it’s important I start working on this edition soon, as it needs to be submitted well before New Year. I hope you’re all looking forward to February the 27th!