The Armchair Mountaineer Wild Writing Competition 2017

It’s my pleasure to introduce the Armchair Mountaineer
Wild Writing Competition, run by Thomas Smallwood of the excellent outdoor blog Armchair Mountaineer. I’m one of the judges, and there are some great prizes, but more importantly this is a great chance to bring your mountain writing to a wider audience.
Theme: Wilderness & Wellbeing – how has an adventure or an experience in nature helped to change your life?
Have you emerged the other side of an adventure a different person? Has nature taught you something about yourself or what is important in your own life? Whatever it is and wherever it may have been, we want you to tell us about it in 500 words.
The competition closes on the 31st of October when the judges will make a decision. Winners will be announced in November 2017.
Conditions of Entry
- Closing date for entries is 31st October 2017.
- Entries must be related to outdoor activities and wellbeing.
- Entries should be a maximum of 500 words long.
- All entries should be supplied by email in Word document format, or by post, typewritten or printed on one side of the paper only.
- The Armchair Mountaineer reserves the right to publish the three prize-winning entries.
- The judges’ decision will be final.
Judges: Chris Townsend, Alex Roddie, Sarah Lister & Thomas Smallwood.
1st Prize
- Your winning article to be published on The Armchair Mountaineer
- £150 cash
- £100 donation to the environmental charity of your choice.
- A year of Trail Magazine
- Book: Icefall (signed copy) by Alex Staniforth
2nd Prize
- Your winning article to be published on The Armchair Mountaineer
- A Coleman Caucasus 2 backpacking tent
- Book: Just for the Love of it (signed copy) by Cathy O’Dowd
- Book: Mission Possible (signed copy) by Ash Dykes
- Book: Out There (signed copy) by Chris Townsend
3rd Prize
- Your winning article to be published on The Armchair Mountaineer
- Wildlife Trusts goodie bag
- Book: Up and About by Doug Scott
- Book: In Some Lost Place by Sandy Allan
- Book: The Wild Within by Simon Yates
Enter the writing competition here:

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