What I’ve been reading this week No.2

I haven’t been reading much online this week as I’ve been out on the trail, but here are some pieces I’ve found illuminating.
Tips For Documenting A Trip – a level-headed piece from Will Copestake. My own approach to documenting a trip is quite similar: focus on the words and the images, and let the story mature before sharing too much of it.
Books and writing
Are You Being Served? – a great piece about writers and work by my good friend Sue Fletcher.
Entanglement and social media reform
The trouble with social media in the outdoors – an important piece that many of us will find challenging.
Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound – heavy internet users like to deny that there’s any difference between reading on a screen and reading on the page, but there’s a lot of evidence to suggest we’re doing damage to our long-term ability to read (and maybe even think) deeply. This is one reason why I’ve been reading more on paper over the last couple of years.
Who’s really being silenced on Twitter — an interesting take on Twitter’s ‘very observable decline’.
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