What I’ve been reading this week, 29 November 2019

Scottish Salmon’s dark secret, the unease of winter’s sounds, poetry from the Cairngorms, CMD Arête, and a global plan to save the Web.
Beavers set to return to Norfolk – excellent news.
Glen Etive hydros update – an update from the John Muir Trust on the Glen Etive hydro works proposal.
The climate crisis has sparked a Siberia mammoth tusk gold rush – ‘Some use powerful firefighter pumps to melt away the ice and bore deep underground. Others burrow labyrinthine caverns under the ground and navigate below the dripping mud with huge chunks of ice hanging over them.’
Scottish Salmon’s dark secret – John Burns writes about the impact of farmed salmon in Scotland.
Eight surprising ways climate change could affect our mountains – a useful overview, but to be honest I think regarding point six we’re already past the point where long trousers are essential in Scotland in the summer.
Long-distance hiking, nature, and the outdoors
A peculiar unease in the harsh winter air – an evocative short essay by Ben Dolphin.
Shared Stories Cairngorms: In High Trees – poetry by Jen Cooper.
The Return of the Waist Pack (aka bum bag, fanny pack, lumbar pack, front pack) – Chris Townsend remarks on the return of the very useful waist pack amongst backpackers. I’m a recent convert, and have used a Thrupack Summit Bum for my last few big European hikes.
Climbing Tungurahua and entering the throat of fire – Mark and Edita get a new perspective on the mountains of Ecuador.
Classic winter – Ben Nevis via the CMD Arete – James Roddie enjoys a spellbinding day out on a classic route. Great photos in this one!
Walking for Mental Health: A Summit Camp on Sgurr na Stri – Sarah Jane Douglas recharges the batteries on a fine Skye wild camp. ‘When problems begin to weigh, mountain walking and the views they offer remind me that the world is a beautiful place.’
Writing and editing
How to ride the publishing roller coaster without falling off – there’s some good advice in here.
Tim Berners-Lee unveils global plan to save the web – ‘We could end up with a digital dystopia if we don’t turn things around. It’s not that we need a 10-year plan for the web, we need to turn the web around now.’
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