What I’ve been reading this week, 20 December 2019

The physics-defying wren, protecting Scotland’s wild land in 2020, and some book lists…
Environment and nature
Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change – this is important. The time is now.
Rewilding: How Trees for Life are renewing the Highlands – ‘Increasingly, Trees for Life’s aims – to revive Scotland’s native forests with practical rewilding that includes Scottish people at its heart – are chiming with the times.’
Young people can’t remember how much more wildlife there used to be – shifting baseline syndrome in action.
Country diary: the tiny wren’s voice is so big it seems to defy physics – a nice Country Diary piece from Carey Davies.
Scottish Wildlife Trust responds to grouse moor review – the Werritty report is a step in the right direction, but I don’t think it goes far enough.
Protecting Scotland’s wild land in 2020 – a look ahead to the challenges of next year.
Long-distance hiking and the outdoors
Headlamps and Lanterns for Lightweight Backpacking – a good piece on headlamps for backpacking.
19 Lessons from 2019 for Adventurers, Writers, Entrepreneurs and Everyone – some interesting lessons here from Emily Woodhouse. The points about writers are particularly useful.
Wild Camps of 2019 – Chris Townsend has had some splendid wild camps this year.
UKH’s Christmas Books Recommendations – this is a great list.
Books for Hikers and Backpackers (2019 Edition) – Cam Honan’s list of top books for hikers and backpackers this year is comprehensive.
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