What I’ve been reading this week, 28 February 2020

The end of farming, whistling while you walk, much ado about yetis, and the last best place on the internet.
Environment and nature
Why the lights are going out for fireflies – fireflies are one of the true glories of nature. Sadly, I’ve only seen them once.
The end of farming? – a fascinating long read about farming, rewilding, food safety, and the future.
Slow progress in Glen Etive – an update on the Glen Etive hydro works, a development that was fiercely contested by environmental campaigners. There are still big question marks about the project.
Long-distance hiking and the outdoors
Ben Dolphin: Whistle while you walk – how my eyes have been opened to the true spirit of the Ramblers – Ben Dolphin looks back on his years as president of Ramblers Scotland.
Coast to Coast triple crown (Scotland, England, Wales) 2019 – Colin Ibbotson writes about three long-distance walks he completed last year, including the TGO Challenge.
Sunshine, spindrift and snow: a walk over Meall a’Bhuachaille – Chris Townsend has a spectacular winter day out on a favourite walk.
Dulyn Bothy – Grant Hyatt visits a bothy in atmospheric conditions.
Much ado about yetis: Nepal’s latest tourism blunder – Mark Horrell investigates the curious case of expensive yeti statues that don’t look much like yetis. ‘It has been reported that, with only 22 of the 108 statues so far on display, the controversy has caused the Nepalese authorities to remove the mythical giant ape-like creature from tourist landmarks.’
Books and writing
Author Interview: Peter Gillman, Eiger Direct – a fascinating interview with Peter Gillman about a classic icon of mountain literature.
Wikipedia Is the Last Best Place on the Internet – ‘Like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, it broadcasts user-generated content. Unlike them, it makes its product de-personified, collaborative, and for the general good.’
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