My first two rolls of Kodak Vision3 250D
I've been trying a new film stock.
My next book is available to pre-order
A new title in the Wanderlust series.
Home scanning 35mm film, the quest for cheaper analogue photography, and bringing the past back to life
Getting into the details of my own analogue revival.
An idea has come out of nowhere
Yes, I am now working on *two* novels.
Embracing the Creativity of the Unknown
Sometimes creativity is a subconscious process, and sometimes it is born in the stresses, beauty and chaos of the wild unknown.
A fastpacking circuit in the Cairngorms
51km through the Cairngorms with running shoes, a lightweight pack, and a mindset that wasn't quite hiking and wasn't quite running but something distinct from both.
Scotland: the first two months
Two months ago, my wife Hannah and I moved into our new home in a small hamlet west of Forfar in Angus. So how have things been going – and has it been as adventurous as I hoped?
Postcards from the Dartmoor Way
‘What do you mean you’ve never been to Dartmoor? You should come and visit me!’ This was the reaction of my friend Emily Woodhouse when I mentioned that the Dartmoor Way was on my list of trails to go and hike for a new book project. So I took