
I’m an editor, writer, author and photographer who lives and breathes the outdoors. I specialise in adventure travel, the outdoor publishing industry, and non-fiction on mountaineering, hiking, nature and the environment. In my spare time I like to get soggy and cold on mountains.
I am editor of Sidetracked magazine, and I write for The Great Outdoors (TGO) magazine, UKHillwalking, and other UK titles. I’m a member of the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild.

Many of the articles on this site are devoted to the wild places of Britain and Europe, and I have been an active backpacker, mountaineer and climber for over 15 years. In addition to TGO, I have also written extensively for Mountain Pro Magazine, On Landscape, Trail, and other titles in the UK outdoor press. In 2019 I received the OWPG Award for Excellence (Outdoor/Travel Feature) for my TGO piece ‘Summits and Skylarks’. My books include Wanderlust Europe (gestalten) and The Farthest Shore (Vertebrate Publishing).
An experienced outdoor gear reviewer, I regularly review clothing, shelters, footwear and equipment for TGO and UKHillwalking. I often help to judge the annual TGO Gear Awards.
See a portfolio of my published outdoor writing here, and more about my books here.
Image © James Roddie Photography

I established Pinnacle Editorial in July 2014. I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, and I offer developmental editing, copy-editing, copywriting and proofreading services for adventure writers and the outdoor publishing industry.
See my editorial portfolio for details about my current roles and clients.
I also have a background in technology – especially the intersection between tech, sociology, history and psychology. I have a degree in computing science. Amongst other things, my dissertation examined the threats to the long-term survival of electronic information in the context of history.
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