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Unplugged #10: adventure plus purpose, in search of winter, a new mountain magazine, and the Great Chiasmus

One of the big questions I've been mulling over for the last six years or so is this: can adventure have a higher purpose beyond our own enjoyment? 💡A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both and Substack. For more info, read this FAQ.

Unplugged #10: adventure plus purpose, in search of winter, a new mountain magazine, and the Great Chiasmus
Members Public

Unplugged #9: Back from the Alps, rewilding's human cost, and a death knell for critical thinking

A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both and Substack. For more info, read this FAQ. Please feel free to subscribe using whichever platform you prefer. I'm back from the Alps with more than 2,000 digital photos to cull, process and file. This

Unplugged #9: Back from the Alps, rewilding's human cost, and a death knell for critical thinking
Members Public

Unplugged #8: off to the Alps, outdoor recreation vs. conservation, environmental pragmatism, and the one change that worked

I'm packing for a photo shoot in the Alps. Here's the gear I'm bringing. 💡A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both and Substack. For more info, read this FAQ. Please feel free to subscribe using whichever platform you prefer.

Unplugged #8: off to the Alps, outdoor recreation vs. conservation, environmental pragmatism, and the one change that worked
Members Public

Unplugged #7: the outdoors for 'normal people', waking up from a bad run, the Field Notes thing, and microspikes vs. crampons

People like me – outdoor enthusiasts who also work in outdoors media, who have friends that work in outdoors media, and spend all day reading outdoors media – sometimes have a skewed view of what is commonly called 'the outdoors'. 💡A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both

Unplugged #7: the outdoors for 'normal people', waking up from a bad run, the Field Notes thing, and microspikes vs. crampons
Members Public

Unplugged #6: Maybe we should all care a bit more

'Life cannot be delegated.' 💡A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both and Substack. For more info, read this FAQ. Please feel free to subscribe using whichever platform you prefer. No big essay from me this week before I dive into my news and

Unplugged #6: Maybe we should all care a bit more
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Unplugged #5: Why I'm optimistic about 2025

It's not all doom and gloom! In fact, the vibe I've been getting in January is one of hope and renewal... at least in my little corner of the world. 💡A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both and Substack. For more

Unplugged #5: Why I'm optimistic about 2025
Members Public

2024 in review as a professional outdoor writer and editor

In 2023, my wife Hannah and I moved back to Scotland, which means that 2024 has been our first full year north of the border. So how has that been? And what have been my challenges and successes in 2024 as a working writer and editor? In these reviews I

2024 in review as a professional outdoor writer and editor
Members Public

Looking for a rural sense of place in dead week

What makes a place a place, what happens when we lose it, and can we get it back? It's the dead week between Christmas and New Year, and Hannah and I are back down south in Lincolnshire spending time with family and friends. In many ways I love

Looking for a rural sense of place in dead week
Members Public

Unplugged #4: An early winter season missed, off the map, and adventure with purpose

Negative space is a handy concept in many things, even in adventure. More isn't always better... 💡A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both and Substack. For more info, read this FAQ. Please feel free to subscribe using whichever platform you prefer. November and

Unplugged #4: An early winter season missed, off the map, and adventure with purpose
Members Public

Unplugged #3: The Dundee Mountain Film Festival, an expanded analogue environment, and returning to the ice

This weekend, I attended the Dundee Mountain Film Festival for the first time. Here's what I noticed. 💡A reminder that I am now cross-posting entries on both and Substack. For more info, read this FAQ. Please feel free to subscribe using whichever platform you prefer. Dundee

Unplugged #3: The Dundee Mountain Film Festival, an expanded analogue environment, and returning to the ice