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What I’ve been reading this week, 16 May 2020

The child in nature, ultralight gear for hot and humid conditions, views on how we should return to the hills after lockdown, and the fate of small presses in our new reality. (A lot of online writing has some link to the pandemic now, so these categories are more blurred

What I’ve been reading this week, 16 May 2020
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What I’ve been reading this week, 10 May 2020

Outside is where the fun is, art and burnout in quarantine, memory hole, and asking how we’ll go back to the outdoors. (A lot of online writing has some link to the pandemic now, so these categories are more blurred than ever!) Environment and nature Listening, noticing, knowing – this

What I’ve been reading this week, 10 May 2020
Members Public

The voices of birds: a greening of lockdown

Lockdown has brought many hardships, but for some of us it has created the chance to build a closer relationship with the wildlife all around us. Here’s what lockdown has meant to me. That we live in strange times is so self-evidently true that the phrase itself has become

The voices of birds: a greening of lockdown
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The gear that I would have taken on the 2020 TGO Challenge

Sadly the 2020 TGO Challenge is not to be, but here’s the gear I would have been taking on my journey across Scotland… As I write this, I should be in Oban, preparing to set out on my very first TGO Challenge (here is a little about the route

The gear that I would have taken on the 2020 TGO Challenge
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What I’ve been reading this week, 3 May 2020

Thoughts on rewilding, nature’s undisturbed cycles, walking around the world, and no picnic on Mount Kenya. (A lot of online writing has some link to the pandemic now, so these categories are more blurred than ever!) Environment and nature Rewilding: More Thoughts – an excellent longer-form piece on rewilding from

What I’ve been reading this week, 3 May 2020
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Book spotlight: Wild Light: Scotland’s Mountain Landscapes by Craig Aitchison

Craig Aitchison’s second book, Wild Light: Scotland’s Mountain Landscapes, is one of the finest books of Scottish landscape photography I’ve seen in recent years. I read this book and viewed the images it contains well over a year ago, but it still sticks out in my memory

Book spotlight: Wild Light: Scotland’s Mountain Landscapes by Craig Aitchison
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What I’ve been reading this week, 25 April 2020

Mountains I’ve never climbed, travel publishing feeling the pinch, reality writes, and a final victory for Team One Space. (A lot of online writing has some link to the pandemic now, so these categories are more blurred than ever!) Environment and nature Re-connecting with Sow Dale – the Lincolnshire Wildlife

What I’ve been reading this week, 25 April 2020
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What I’ve been reading this week, 18 April 2020

Why we need the outdoor spirit more than ever, down the rabbit hole, when the tourists don’t turn up, and creativity in the time of coronavirus. (A lot of online writing has some link to the pandemic now, so these categories are more blurred than ever!) Environment and nature

What I’ve been reading this week, 18 April 2020
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How you can help support outdoor writers during the Coronavirus pandemic

Although writers are less affected by the current crisis than many others, these are challenging times. Here’s how you can help. We may not be able to travel to the hills or wild places right now, but writers help us plan our next trips and travel there in our

How you can help support outdoor writers during the Coronavirus pandemic
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What I’ve been reading this week, 11 April 2020

Rewildling in Lincolnshire, falling back on nature, adventure films to stream for free, and the sinister new politics of public space. (A lot of online writing has some link to the pandemic now, so these categories are more blurred than ever!) Environment and nature Sandilands in Lincolnshire; our first coastal

reading list