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What I’ve been reading this week, 10 January 2020

A hunter on the wing, windshelter, the YouTube journey, and walking in the footsteps of Thoreau. Environment and nature ‘Climate change is us. The sixth extinction is us. We are at the heart of all of these issues.’ – this interview with Julian Hoffman, who wrote Irreplaceable: The Fight to Save

What I’ve been reading this week, 10 January 2020
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Book review: Rebirding – Rewilding Britain and its Birds by Benedict Macdonald

‘This is the story of how Britain became a factory,’ Benedict Macdonald writes in this remarkable work of horror and hope. This review was first published in The Great Outdoors magazine, February 2020. Rebirding begins by outlining the millennia of damage we’ve inflicted on wildlife in Britain, from the

Book review: Rebirding – Rewilding Britain and its Birds by Benedict Macdonald
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What I’ve been reading this week, 3 January 2020

Empty labels, hiker ruins family Christmas, Norway to Scotland by foot and bike, and the empty promises of minimalism. Environment and nature Danish farmers divided over plan to flood their lands to cut emissions – this is an interesting piece, illustrating some of the conflicts that will rise to the surface

What I’ve been reading this week, 3 January 2020
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Wild perspectives: a twilight nature encounter at Snipe Dales

One of the last things I did in 2019 was to go for a walk in the woods, and I caught a glimpse of the wild perspectives that govern hidden corners of our world. It was to be a walk in search of some birds to photograph, but it ended

Crown shyness © Alex Roddie
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My top ten wild camps of 2019

Ten of the best from the mountains of Scotland and the Pyrenees As I mentioned in my year in review, I spent a total of 67 nights under canvas this year, of which 47 were ‘wild’ camps. It’s been a fantastic year for wild camps. The Haute Route Pyrenees

My top ten wild camps of 2019
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2019 in review: long-distance trails, avoiding burnout, and planting seeds for the future

Towards fresh beginnings While 2018 was a year of triumph and tragedy, 2019 has been a steadier year with fewer crazy peaks and troughs. It hasn’t been without its challenges, though – and it’s been a year of major change for me. The outdoors Where to start? 2019 has

2019 in review: long-distance trails, avoiding burnout, and planting seeds for the future
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What I’ve been reading this week, 20 December 2019

The physics-defying wren, protecting Scotland’s wild land in 2020, and some book lists… Environment and nature Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change – this is important. The time is now. Rewilding: How Trees for Life are renewing the Highlands – ‘Increasingly, Trees for

What I’ve been reading this week, 20 December 2019
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Book review: Another Peak – Everest is not the only summit by Alex Staniforth

Everest was Alex Staniforth’s dream, but that dream died when the earthquake struck Nepal in 2015, ending his summit attempt. This review was first published in The Great Outdoors magazine, January 2020. Another Peak – Everest is not the only summit picks up events after Everest, and is all about

Book review: Another Peak – Everest is not the only summit by Alex Staniforth
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An afternoon of bird photography at Gibraltar Point

I’m very fortunate to live a few miles away from Gibraltar Point, one of the best wildlife reserves on the Lincolnshire coast. This afternoon I took my camera for a walk, and saw a few birds despite the high winds. I love spending time in wild places, but I’

An afternoon of bird photography at Gibraltar Point
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What I’ve been reading this week, 13 December 2019

The return of the taghan, a better alternative to grouse moors, the future of mountaineering, and why you should read old books. Environment Harvest mice found thriving 15 years after reintroduction efforts – some good news. ‘Untold Suffering’ a disturbing report by OneKind and the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland (LACSS)

What I’ve been reading this week, 13 December 2019