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Pilgrim’s Progress: a century of development in climbing equipment and technique

Alex Roddie charts a century of development in the tools we take for granted This feature was first published in Mountain Pro Magazine, January 2016. Take a look in your rucksack. If you’re a winter climber, you’ll find a pair of crampons in there, and two ice axes

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NaNoWriMo week three: capitulation

After just over 25,000 words, I’m calling it quits on NaNoWriMo 2017. It was always going to be a tall order, if I’m honest – I noted before I began1 that I don’t have anywhere near as much spare time as I did last time I completed

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Autumn’s glow

For a while I worried that this autumn would be like so many other recent ones: trees stripped of their leaves by high winds, and endless grey dulling the colours. But I’m glad to see that the autumn colours have finally reached their peak here in Lincolnshire. Here are

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A standing desk experiment

I spend far too much time sitting down. My work day is normally 10.00-18.00, and most of that time is spent sitting in a chair, immobile. Time to try something new. In 2017 I made a big improvement to my daily routine by committing to a five-mile walk

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NaNoWriMo – mid-month progress report

After the near-effortless progress of the first week, I expected the second week to go just as easily. But my progress is slowing and I’m finding it more difficult to hit my daily goal. The mathematics of NaNoWriMo are pretty simple: you have to average a shade over 1,

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The late 2017 site refresh

Yes, I’ve been tinkering with the CSS again. Here’s a summary of the changes. Since I started this website I have experimented with several different looks, from white text on a black background to animation-heavy Blogger themes. Since switching over to self-hosted WordPress in 2015 I have had

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NaNoWriMo – week one progress report

It’s been seven days of crazed literary abandon so far – except that it hasn’t. My memories of National Novel Writing Month involve late-night typing marathons, commiserating over lack of inspiration or poor word counts online, and vast amounts of coffee. The same has usually been true of fiction

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I’m taking a break from social media in November

It’s almost November, which means National Novel Writing Month is upon me. I’m going dark on my personal social channels until December the 1st. I won’t overcomplicate this, because it’s pretty simple: in order to give myself a fighting chance of writing 50,000 words of

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Why adventure and outdoor writing is more important than ever before

It’s an era of long-established magazines going online-only, and online publishers ‘pivoting to video’, citing economic stresses. The printed word is under pressure from other forms of entertainment, but I believe our genre – outdoor and adventure – desperately needs to make headway in this fight. Here’s why. The close

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Walk2017 – images from September

My photographic mojo has returned this month, thanks to a trip to the Alps. Here are a few snaps from mile 1,112 to 1,219. This trip was less goal-driven than previous visits to the Alps. Rather than hike a specific trail or tick off a list of peaks,