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Making time for fitness

For several years, despite my regular trips to the mountains and my long-distance walks, I have struggled to find a way to maintain fitness in my everyday life. Here’s how I’m going to aim to walk 1,500 miles in 2017. The problem with my daily routine is

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Part 2 of my interview with the Outdoors Station now live

The second part of my interview with the Outdoors Station podcast is now live, and available to listen to free online here. Thanks for all the feedback so far, and I hope you enjoy the second half!

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New podcast available on the Outdoors Station

This week, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bob at the Outdoors Station – the UK’s longest-running (and award-winning) outdoor podcast. Due to the fact that I’ve only discovered the delights of podcasts in the last year or so, the Outdoor Station didn’t cross my radar

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The wrong side of history

For the first time in almost twenty years, the Mac platform is facing an existential threat. How we respond to this threat may shape the future of computing as we know it. The future isn’t bright – the future is compromised. One of my earliest memories is of sitting in

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My top photo of 2016

I’ve seen a lot of blog posts from people listing several of their top photos from 2016 recently, but I’m not going to do that here – I’ve already shared my #2016Top3 on Twitter. I’m going to share just one picture with you. This is not my

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My first year as a SLPOTY entrant

This year, for the first time, I submitted images to the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year competition. Here are a few notes on how that went. SLPOTY began in September 2014, so it’s comparatively new in the field of landscape photography competitions. As a new competition, it’s

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2016 in review

2016 has been a mixed year – great in some respects, not so good in others. Here’s my overview of 2016 on, and a look ahead to 2017. Backpacking and the outdoors At the end of last year I vowed that 2016 would be even better in terms

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Digital navigation in TGO Magazine – a response

In the November 2016 issue of TGO, I contributed to a technical article on using smartphones for navigation on the hill. As ever, this remains a contentious subject. I was interested to read a letter from Colin Fisher, published in the January 2017 issue, and he makes a number of

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The Lochaber Traverse in winter – Field Notes

In the January 2017 issue of TGO Magazine, available now, you can read my feature on the Lochaber Traverse – one of the UK’s finest long mountain ridges. I waited a decade for the right conditions. It was worth the wait! Here are a few photos that didn’t make

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ViewRanger Skyline – first look

ViewRanger is a digital navigation app for smartphones and tablets. It’s been around for years, and is one of the most mature solutions of its kind, but recently they launched a new augmented-reality feature – Skyline. Here are my first impressions of this potentially very useful new feature. According to