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35mm film

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My top images of 2023 – and a year with the Leica M3

It's been a great year for my photography. A renaissance year, perhaps. Regular readers will be aware that I have been an on-and-off analogue photographer for about a decade now, and that my return to film helped rejuvenate my interest in photography as a whole. But 2023 has

My top images of 2023 – and a year with the Leica M3
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My first two rolls of Kodak Vision3 250D

I've been trying a new film stock.

My first two rolls of Kodak Vision3 250D
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Learning to shoot slide film in 2018 with Provia 100F

35mm film is not dead At the start of the year I promised myself that I’d learn how to shoot slide film as a personal challenge – not necessarily for paid work, and not because it was practical, but simply because the idea appealed to me. When I returned to