Book news
Wanderlust Europe now available on sale from Sidetracked
Looking to get hold of my new book, Wanderlust Europe, while also supporting one of the best adventure magazines in the UK? Good news — in an exclusive promotion with gestalten, the publisher, you can now get hold of the book for £30 (£5 off retail price) with free postage in

Introducing Wanderlust Europe: Europe’s best trails
Today I’m pleased to announce the publication of a new book, Wanderlust Europe, which I co-edited with gestalten. Over the last year, I’ve been working on something special with the team at German publisher gestalten. They approached me in September 2019 with a simple request: would I like

Writing (two) books during the pandemic
It’s a hell of a time to be an outdoor writer, isn’t it? Since the COVID-19 pandemic kicked off early this year, I have written not one but two books. Here’s a little about how it’s been. At the best of times, I’m a slow

The Farthest Shore reading list
Here’s my current bibliography of titles that have influenced my thinking (or which I plan to read) during the creative process for my book The Farthest Shore. Updated 2019-10-29 Notes * Books listed here are ones that I have either read in the last two years, or plan to read

Exciting news – I have signed a book deal with Vertebrate Publishing
I am delighted to announce that I have signed a book deal with Vertebrate Publishing, who will be publishing my first non-fiction book: The Farthest Shore. There was always going to be a book about my strange and wonderful journey through the West Highlands early this year. The quest for