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Cape Wrath Trail

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The adventure begins

I’m heading north tomorrow, so this will be my final post before I begin my Cape Wrath Trail journey. My parents are taking their caravan up to the Inverness area to visit my brother James, so I’m catching a lift with them. The plan is to drive from

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Cape Wrath Trail Gear List

Regular readers will be aware that I’m planning to hike the Cape Wrath Trail in June this year. I’ve already blogged about my preparations, but my gear list has changed a few times over the last month so, due also to several requests on Twitter, I thought I’

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Preparations for the Cape Wrath Trail

The time has come to talk a little about my plans for this summer. It’s been ten years since my first long-distance walk in the mountains — a hundred and sixty miles through the Lake District in May 2005 — so I thought it was only appropriate to do something special