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Book review: The Big Rounds by David Lintern

In The Big Rounds: Running and walking the Bob Graham, Paddy Buckley and Charlie Ramsay Rounds, David Lintern writes: ‘Hard lines dividing walking and running are a relatively modern notion, and have more to do with commerce and marketing than what goes on when people really start to find their

Book review: The Big Rounds by David Lintern
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The Blue Hour

This year, I’ve been starting my morning walks half an hour earlier, and as autumn progresses I find myself a daily observer of that quiet time just before dawn. For the last couple of weeks now, darkness has characterised my morning walks – or so it appeared at first. I’

The Blue Hour
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Exciting news – I have signed a book deal with Vertebrate Publishing

I am delighted to announce that I have signed a book deal with Vertebrate Publishing, who will be publishing my first non-fiction book: The Farthest Shore. There was always going to be a book about my strange and wonderful journey through the West Highlands early this year. The quest for

Exciting news – I have signed a book deal with Vertebrate Publishing
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In praise of active reading

Active reading is the act of annotating, highlighting and making notes on a book as you read it. As a writer, here’s why it’s one of the most vital tools in my toolbox. Like most people, I first discovered active reading at school. It was Year 9, I

In praise of active reading
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I’m leaving the role of Online Editor at TGO magazine

It’s the right time. After more than two years, I’ve decided to move on from the front line at The Great Outdoors – but it’s very much the start of a new chapter. Here’s what’s next. In June 2017, I had a conversation with Emily Rodway,

I’m leaving the role of Online Editor at TGO magazine
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OWPG Award for Excellence for my TGO magazine feature ‘Summits and Skylarks’

This weekend, my wife Hannah and I headed to the Norfolk Broads for the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild AGM and awards dinner. Updated 2019-10-11 with corrected information on David Lintern’s award. This is my first year as a member of the OWPG. I joined due to recommendations from

Contemplating ground already covered
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Change is afoot

Many things are about to change for the better in my writing and work, or are in the process of changing. Although I can’t share details publicly just yet, it is a good time for a reinvention of my online ‘brand’, if you can stomach the word. First, this

Change is afoot
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Top wild camps on the Haute Route Pyrenees

I camped every night during my 2019 thru-hike of the Haute Route Pyrenees, and 23 of those camps were ‘wild’ camps. In no particular order, here are a few I enjoyed the most. Read more about my adventures in the Pyrenees here 25 July (Image above) I’d diverted from

Top wild camps on the Haute Route Pyrenees
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Lincolnshire hates hikers

In my home county, using public rights of way can be frustrating and adversarial. I’ve been hiking in Lincolnshire for about eight years, but many of these issues will be familiar to all those who go walking in the less-touristy parts of the UK – the counties riddled with footpaths

Lincolnshire hates hikers
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Two short extracts from my Pyrenees trail journal

I’ve finished indexing my trail journal from the Haute Route Pyrenees. This journal was written by hand, and fills almost an entire medium-sized hardback notebook – 229 pages in total. I estimate the word count to be roughly 30-40,000 words. It’s the most extensive trail journal I’ve

Two short extracts from my Pyrenees trail journal