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Sidetracked Volume Five is available to pre-order

One of my many roles as a freelance professional is Sub-Editor for Sidetracked magazine, an adventure travel publication focusing on amazing stories and quality photography. For the past few months we’ve been working hard to finish Volume Five, which has now gone to print and is available to pre-order.

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New Cape Wrath Trail feature in TGO magazine October 2015

The October 2015 issue of The Great Outdoors (TGO) magazine is now out – a ‘wild Scotland’ special with features from Ed Byrne, Will Renwick, Ronald Turnbull, and Chris Townsend. It’s also my first issue as a feature contributor. My article is all about the Cape Wrath Trail – why it’

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The 2015 Festival of Drabbles – calling short fiction writers!

Do you like short fiction – short short stories, flash fiction, maybe even haiku? Then the Festival of Drabbles might be of interest. A drabble is a short story precisely one hundred words long. This may sound easy but is actually very difficult – you have to pack at least one character

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The Tour of Monte Rosa – final preparations

On Tuesday, I’m heading off to the Alps to hike the Tour of Monte Rosa, a 100-mile thru-hike beginning and ending in Zermatt. The goal is to circumnavigate the Monte Rosa massif. Preparations are now complete, so here’s where I am in terms of readiness. In my original

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Fujifilm X30 mirrorless compact camera review

The Fujifilm X30 is a compact camera in Fuji’s ‘X’ series of professional and enthusiast mirrorless cameras. While the X-Pro1, XT1 and X100T occupy the top of the range, the X30 brings up the rear – but is it a capable camera in its own right? I put it through

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Electronics on the trail – what works for me

Please note that this article is now out of date. Here’s an updated version. “Nothing that uses a battery can be relied upon in the wild.” This is something we hear from time to time, but how true is it? What level of electronic gadgetry is necessary or appropriate

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Preparations for the Tour of Monte Rosa

Monte Rosa is one of the biggest and highest mountain massifs in the Western Alps.  Incorporating a number of summits all well over 4,000m, it is surrounded by many miles of difficult glaciated terrain to the west, and the biggest cliff in Europe to the east. It’s the

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I tried to recover my hacked Vodafone account and you won’t believe what happened next

Updated 06/08/2015 – scroll to the bottom to find out how Vodafone eventually responded Yes, one of those headlines – chosen specifically because I’d like this message to get to as many people as possible. I hope you’ll indulge me. I’ve spent nearly six hours today trying

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The Cape Wrath Trail gear debrief

Please note that I wrote this piece in 2015. It doesn’t necessarily reflect my current opinions on gear for the CWT. In June 2015 I hiked the 241-mile Cape Wrath Trail between Fort William and Cape Wrath, loosely following the mountainous terrain that clings to Scotland’s west coast.

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Welcome to the new site It’s taken me all weekend, but I have successfully transferred from its old home on Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress installation. I’ve been a Blogger user since 2003, so it’s been quite a journey. But I was starting to feel