Work draws to a close on “The Atholl Expedition”
Well, it has taken a little longer than expected, but at last I am working on the very final scenes to be included in The Atholl Expedition. This project has grown as I have written it and now it goes deeper into the characters of both Forbes and Duncan than
Blog Spotlight: The Mountain’s Silhouette
Image from The Mountain’s Silhouette(Backpacking and Outdoors)Run by Nick Brahmhall This series of articles showcases blogs of merit and interest, usually (but not exclusively!) connected with the topics of mountaineering, Scotland, writing, and history. Scottish mountaineering blogs come in all shapes and sizes
The best Android apps for writers (part one)
2017 note: this article is now several years old. Please don’t consider it current advice. As computers diversify and specialise, many modern writers are choosing to take advantage of the greater mobility offered by tablets and smartphones. I have already written a very popular post on how writers can
The 2013 #Scotwinter Sweepstakes: place your bets!
We are on the verge of that special time of year when the mountaineer’s thoughts begin to turn to the big question: when will the snow return? For the UK’s highest mountains, summer is a brief pause. If you find yourself pondering the first snowfall question in August,
Currently reading: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
I try to read one ‘big book’ each year – a major classic of the 19th century, usually aimed in some way at my current writing. These big undertakings are interspersed with lighter reading material to provide variety, but up until now the big projects have always eclipsed every other book
New interview on The Cult of Me
I have been interviewed a second time by author and blogger Michael Brookes on his popular indie writing blog, “The Cult of Me.” In the interview I talk a bit about my developing career as a writer, what I’ve learned over the last six months, and introduce my next
Lowdown on the Upland of Mar by Joe Dorward: book review
Lowdown on the Upland of Marby Joe Dorward(Kindle and print) I first came across Joe’s excellent website on the history, etymology, and geography of the Cairngorms a couple of years ago. A lifelong stravaiger of the mountains, Joe’s area of special interest focuses on the historic Mar
New author interview on the blog of John Burns
John D Burns, mountaineer, writer and playwright with a particular interest in Aleister Crowley, has interviewed me on his blog. You can read it here. In the interview I talk about how I first became interested in Victorian mountaineering, my discovery of O.G.Jones, and some of the unique
Blog spotlight: Glencoe Mountaineer
Glencoe Mountaineer(Climbing and Mountaineering) Run by James Roddie In this new series of articles I will be showcasing blogs of merit and interest, usually (but not exclusively!) connected with the topics of mountaineering, Scotland, writing, and history. In the first article of the series it’s my pleasure to
The Cairngorms in Winter with Chris Townsend – film review
The Cairngorms in Winter with Chris TownsendA film by Terry AbrahamFunded by KickstarterI have been looking forward to this remarkable film for a long time. I follow Terry on Twitter (@terrybnd) and, although I was not one of the original backers for the project on Kickstarter, I became intrigued by