Book spotlight: Wild Light: Scotland’s Mountain Landscapes by Craig Aitchison
Craig Aitchison’s second book, Wild Light: Scotland’s Mountain Landscapes, is one of the finest books of Scottish landscape photography I’ve seen in recent years. I read this book and viewed the images it contains well over a year ago, but it still sticks out in my memory
How you can help support outdoor writers during the Coronavirus pandemic
Although writers are less affected by the current crisis than many others, these are challenging times. Here’s how you can help. We may not be able to travel to the hills or wild places right now, but writers help us plan our next trips and travel there in our
Coronavirus and the outdoors – an apology, and a way forward
Last weekend, I published a blog post that exploded in popularity and took on a life of its own. In it I encouraged the outdoor community to change its messaging on the coronavirus pandemic, to start urging people not to travel to the mountains in order to prevent the spread
The outdoor community needs to change its messaging regarding the coronavirus pandemic, and right now
Communities in remote mountain areas are suffering from people ‘self-isolating’ in the hills. We can help to prevent this. Important update: I have written a follow-up to this piece. Please read it here. Things change rapidly at the moment, so this might be out of date by the time you
What I’ve been reading this week, COVID-19 special
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you a hand-picked list of links on the global COVID-19 pandemic and the outdoor community. For this week’s regular ‘what I’ve been reading’ slot, click here. Coronavirus: guidance and advice A hiker’s guide to the coronavirus outbreak – Hanna Lindon
Pinnacle Editorial COVID-19 status update
Here’s how the global pandemic is affecting my business. I never expected to write those words, but here we are! Right now, as the world struggles to adapt to new and terrifying circumstances, and the economy shudders to a halt, creative industries are coming to terms with what this
Talk at Sheffield Adventure Film Festival, 20 March 2020, cancelled
With regret, I have decided to cancel my appearance next week at the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival. The idea of bringing dozens of people together into a room, potentially spreading the infection, just to listen to me waffle about hiking doesn’t sit right with me. I also have to
Upcoming talk: Sheffield Adventure Film Festival, 20 March 2020
I will be speaking at the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival on 20 March 2020. If you’re curious to learn more about my winter Cape Wrath Trail and other recent trips, please come along. The subject of this part of the programme is ‘acts of rebellion – adventures with a lighter
Local woodland damage – an update
In January, I blogged about damage I’d witnessed to a local stand of woodland. Here’s an update, along with a record of what I’ve seen and the efforts I’ve made to find out what is happening. There have been some developments. Here are the facts: * A
My features in the March 2020 issue of TGO magazine
I have a couple of short pieces in the latest issue of The Great Outdoors, which has just started going out to subscribers. The first, called ‘Scotland’s Wrath’ (I didn’t pick that title, honest!) is the final piece of my TGO content for the 2019 winter Cape Wrath