An interview with Jamie Hageman, mountain and landscape artist
This is part of a series of interviews with authors, photographers, film-makers, and other creative people who all have one thing in common: a connection with mountaineering culture. Today I would like to welcome mountain artist Jamie Hageman to my blog. His extraordinary paintings are regularly exhibited, and thanks to
To look but not to touch – Glen Coe at its finest
With the excitement of my book launch, it’s easy to overlook the fact that I have been lucky enough to spend a few days in Glen Coe during a spell of grand beau temps. We are currently in the middle of one of the longest periods of calm, settled
The ascent of the Pinnacle Face: anatomy of a near-disaster
January the 27th, 2009 This is my account of a personal experience in the mountains of Glencoe: the closest I’ve ever come to an ‘epic’, or prolonged mountain incident. All dialogue is paraphrased although I believe I have recalled events accurately. Pictures were taken by me on the day.
The freedom of the hills is under threat
Before you share this feature on social media, please bear in mind that it refers to the events of 2013, and may not be as relevant today. Thanks for reading. Every winter, the mountains of Scotland take lives. They kill by hypothermia, by cornice collapse, by avalanche, or by a
BBC Out of Doors interview on location in Glencoe
Today was a great day for me. Back in November I bumped into Chris Sleight, a radio journalist with BBC Out of Doors, and he suggested that we go for a climb together so that he could record an interview for his show. The date was set and we prayed
Winter Mountaineering – a tale to make you laugh!
Weather in the glen: Superb winter mountaineering conditions this morning deteriorated around 1pm. Severe gales and torrential rain setting in for a few days. Today before work I went for a quick romp up Dinnertime Buttress on Aonach Dubh–at least, that’s what I had planned! Due to the
Curved Ridge
Weather in the glen: Clear and sunny yesterday, with scattered showers and a few inches of melting snow on the highest Lochaber summits. Today, milder and more showery but still better than average. High cloud base but ragged lower cloud in places. Occasional clear spells. Yesterday Rach, Isi and I
A traditional day out
Weather in the glen: Wind and rain. Gusting to galeforce, persistent light rain, although the cloud base is fairly high. Mild temperatures. Today Rach and I climbed B-F Buttress Route on the West Face of Aonach Dubh, a scramble weaving its way up and along complex Grade 3 terrain. It