Nature Notes: wildlife photography, summer 2020
It’s been a while since my last wildlife photo blog. That’s simply because I haven’t been taking as many photos, and that’s because wildlife sightings have, accordingly, declined; I haven’t been seeing anywhere near as many birds from July onwards as I did before. By

Nature notes: recent nature and wildlife photography, 18 July 2020
Stellar invertebrates, birds, and local rewilding I didn’t post a ‘nature notes’ blog post last week, because my wildlife photography has become a lot less prolific over the last few weeks. That’s because there has simply been less wildlife out and about for me to photograph. The birds

Nature notes: this week’s nature and wildlife photography, 4 July 2020
A bewitching encounter with a roe deer, meadow brown butterflies galore, and – finally – a whitethroat fledgling. The weather hasn’t been great this week again. It’s been cold for the time of year, with plenty of rain and wind. Wildlife has mostly been hunkered down and hidden. I’ve

Nature notes: this week’s nature and wildlife photography, 28 June 2020
Highlights this week include reed buntings, lesser whitethroats, a contemplative brown hare, and the moorhen chicks. It’s midsummer, and in an average year my photographic mojo hits rock bottom at around this point. Finding decent light for landscape photography involves ridiculously early starts, so I usually don’t bother

Nature notes: this week’s nature and wildlife photography, 21 June 2020
It’s been a quiet week, but not without some exciting wildlife sightings. The week began with days of fog, a result of the haar coming in off the North Sea. I saw little in the way of birds or other wildlife on most of those mornings – the cold mist

Nature notes: this week’s nature photography, 14 June 2020
This week it has been all about the fledglings – and a very special raptor sighting. The weather has been a little better this week than last, although it’s still been a little cool for the time of year. I’ve been seeing fewer adult birds out and about. Most

Nature Notes: this week’s nature photography, 7 June 2020
It’s been a relatively quiet week for nature sightings thanks to some wet and windy weather, but I’ve still had some fantastic moments on my morning walks. This week’s highlight has undoubtedly been another sighting of the Warblerland barn owl. On Monday I saw it hunting over

Nature notes: Latest wildlife photography, May 2020
The first in a new series of blog posts on my latest nature and wildlife images. Four weeks ago, I published a blog post called ‘The voices of birds: a greening of lockdown’, sharing my experience during the Coronavirus lockdown along with a few of my latest wildlife and landscape

The voices of birds: a greening of lockdown
Lockdown has brought many hardships, but for some of us it has created the chance to build a closer relationship with the wildlife all around us. Here’s what lockdown has meant to me. That we live in strange times is so self-evidently true that the phrase itself has become

Wild perspectives: a twilight nature encounter at Snipe Dales
One of the last things I did in 2019 was to go for a walk in the woods, and I caught a glimpse of the wild perspectives that govern hidden corners of our world. It was to be a walk in search of some birds to photograph, but it ended