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Crowley’s Rival will be available from the 19th of December

Crowley’s Rival, my new short story (or novella, depending on your definition), will be released as a Kindle exclusive on the 19th of December. That’s one week away! This story is aimed at fans of The Only Genuine Jones, although it also works as a standalone piece and

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Paperback covers for print on demand with FeedARead

Full jacket book cover Over the last couple of days, I’ve been putting some work into finishing the proofs for the print on demand version of The Only Genuine Jones. For readers who may have missed the announcement, the paperback edition will be launched on February the 27th, 2013,

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The Only Genuine Jones now available in all major ebook formats

Through the Meatgrinder… I don’t believe in restricting myself to a single outlet. Amazon Kindle is currently the top dog when it comes to ebooks in the UK, but that isn’t set in stone; I certainly don’t want to find myself unable to sell my books if

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The paperback version and beyond

Screenshot from The Only Genuine Jones has only been available for a few days, but I’m already scheming ahead to think about the next step. It gives me great pleasure to announce that my book will be available in paperback from

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Launch day: from bottom of the pile to bestseller in the mountaineering category

Yesterday was, I’m glad to say, an unqualified success. Even though it was a Sunday and therefore relatively quiet on the social networks, the ball got rolling pretty quickly and an overwhelming number of people spread the word. I’m lucky to have a lot of friends from my

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The countdown is almost over

It’s been quite a week. Since last Friday, I have written an article on vintage mountaineering equipment for UKC, corresponded with a number of individuals who have emailed me with offers of help and best wishes (including some that may yield useful fruit later on), and watched the visitor

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The final sprint

By this time next week, the final version of The Only Genuine Jones will be live on the Kindle store. I will allow myself 24 hours to download a copy myself and do a final check-through for formatting errors or any other problems that may have slipped the net. On

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The 21st draws closer!

I’ve been a little quiet on the blog and Facebook page recently, for which I apologise (although I think I’ve been making up for it with a stream of chatter on Twitter!) The truth of the matter is that, as publication date draws closer, I find that my

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One month until OGJ arrives on Kindle

Oscar Eckenstein says “Buy this book on Kindle!” The clock is ticking! The Only Genuine Jones will appear on Kindle on the 21st of October, 2012 (exact time to be decided, dependent on whether or not I have a shift at the day job to attend to…) Although I originally

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October the 21st: a date to put in your diary

I’m currently in a lull between periods of intense activity. Since July I have had The Only Genuine Jones professionally edited, had a cover design created, written a few book reviews (two of which have been very well received), and sent out advance copies to readers. I have stripped