The Apple Macintosh at 40 – and my own Mac history at 24
Cast your mind back to the year 2000. When the new century began, I was 13 years old. My interests: fantasy writing and computers. The Apple Macintosh may have come into the world two years before I was born, but it burst into my life that year – and played a

Generative AI will not make you a better writer – it will destroy creative writing as a way of expressing the human experience
'People, not machines, made the Renaissance.'

The upgrade trap
Sometimes, when you think you are upgrading an item, you’re actually downgrading instead Our consumer economy is based on the idea that newer is better. The affluent are accustomed to replacing computers and TVs every few years, and smartphones every year or two. These days, even household appliances aren’
iPad mobile photography workflows in 2016
Ever since the iPad was first introduced, I’ve been trying to make it work as a viable portable computer. Photography remains a real weak point of iOS, and although iOS 10 takes a big leap forward in closing that gap, it still isn’t quite there. First, let me