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The Only Genuine Jones

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“The Only Genuine Jones” paperback launch event, Feb 27th, Glencoe

This is just a reminder that The Only Genuine Jones will be released in paperback form less than two months from now! I invite readers to join me at the Clachaig Inn, Glencoe, at 9pm on the 27th of February. I will be talking a little about the process of

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The Only Genuine Jones is on special offer for 99p!

My Christmas sale has now begun! Until the 31st of December, The Only Genuine Jones will be on special offer for 99p. If you haven’t yet picked up your digital edition then now is the time to do so. Don’t be put off if you’re worried you

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The first ever paperback copy of my first novel is here

The very first paperback copy of OGJ Well, today is proving to be a rollercoaster of a day! Crowley’s Rival has already been downloaded over a hundred times, partly because it was actually on the Kindle store yesterday, priced at free to enable a few of my most valued

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My experience so far with FeedARead print on demand publishing

An early proof for the FeedARead edition FeedARead is an independent print on demand (POD) publisher, established with Arts Council England funding. I am using FeedARead (FAR) to produce the paperback edition of The Only Genuine Jones, a process I began several weeks ago. I thought I would take this

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Looking back on 2012 from an author’s perspective

I know we’re not quite at the end of the year yet, but the next two weeks are going to be very busy so I thought I would write a reflective post while I have the chance! I will also take this opportunity to bring readers up to speed

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Paperback covers for print on demand with FeedARead

Full jacket book cover Over the last couple of days, I’ve been putting some work into finishing the proofs for the print on demand version of The Only Genuine Jones. For readers who may have missed the announcement, the paperback edition will be launched on February the 27th, 2013,

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“Breaching the Fortress” by Harold Raeburn: a companion article to OGJ

This is a fictional article I wrote some years ago as backstory for The Only Genuine Jones. It features a snapshot of the extended universe I have created for the story: a second attempt at the “Great Wall” of Ben Nevis (the Orion Direct route, in reality not climbed until

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“The Only Genuine Jones” is now available on Kobo books

Just a quick announcement: The Only Genuine Jones is now available to purchase DRM-free from the Kobo bookstore. Get it here for £2.29. This means that the book is now available for all ereading devices, from Kindles to Palm Pilots and everything in between! In other news, I’m

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A few more illustrations

Today I’ve been busy doing some more original drawings for the paperback edition of The Only Genuine Jones. It’s a time-consuming job but luckily it’s something I love doing. Although my drawing skills can’t match those of Whymper, I have tried to emulate his style. Whymper’

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Illustrating the paperback edition

I am currently in the process of converting The Only Genuine Jones into a real paperback book through FeedARead. The company, which is a print-on-demand publisher, allows authors a huge amount of freedom when it comes to designing their books; in fact, you have the option of doing absolutely everything