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The Only Genuine Jones

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Editing, writing, and writing about editing and writing

OK perhaps not truly “END” just yet, but it is the end of the beginning. I’ve had a very busy and productive week working on both of my current projects. To break up my series of character profiles a little (which I’m pleased to see many readers are

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It’s time to write a blurb

I’ve been working very hard this week and I’m that bit closer to publication. The next stage in the journey is to come up with a usable blurb: something short and punchy I can use as both a description and a selling tool. My initial attempts, which largely

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I have a cover design!

Ta-da! Thanks to the swift and very talented work of John Amy, I have a cover design I’m happy with! Creating a cover for The Only Genuine Jones wasn’t an easy order. The design has to convey genre and tone instantly, even at thumbnail size. It has to

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Some thoughts on constructing a plot

The trusty m500 doing what it does best As I write this I am sitting in a cafe in Skegness (thanks to the marvel that is mobile broadband) and trying to make sense of the tangle of notes in my ‘plot ideas’ folder. These files have accumulated over several months

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Five years since work began on OGJ

These notebooks, in which I wrote down everything I saw during my two visits to Zermatt in 2007 and 2008, proved vital to my future work In July 2007, my brother and I went to the Alps for the first time. We weren’t very experienced mountaineers at that point.

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And once again I face the red pen of doom (aka. the mss has been sent for editing)

A terrifying sight Part of this blog’s new mission is to document the process of turning my manuscript into an ebook. Today I completed a very important step: submission for professional editing! Back in March I blogged a piece of very good news, namely that a literary agent had

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I am making progress

Since making the decision to ‘go indie’ last week I have been firing on all cylinders. Progress made so far: 1. Most obviously, this website is now in a far more presentable condition and ready to host whatever content I need to showcase. 2. I’ve been putting effort into

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The first step

My mission to publish my novel as an eBook has started with a simple step–read as much as I can on the subject! To that end I have started to read “Let’s Get Digital” by David Gaughran. So far I’m part of the way through the section

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One decade later …

The 1st of July, 2002, is the earliest electronic record of my writing activities. I had been writing for years before that date on a casual basis, inspired by fantasy artwork and role-playing games to create a fantasy world of my imagination, but that was the point when I finally

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Rejection letter

Today I received my fifth rejection letter for The Only Genuine Jones. It contained some encouragement: “Thank you very much for the opportunity. It’s a nice idea but I’m afraid I don’t think it’s strong enough to compete in a hideously competitive marketplace. I hope you