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Here's a collection of kind things that various clients, colleagues and customers have said about me and my work.

Magazine feature editing

Your wordsmithing is bloody brilliant.

—Krystle Wright, internationally acclaimed photographer and filmmaker

Alex, you’re such a brilliant editor! Thank you so much for helping me shape this piece! I have learned so much from this process!

—Vedangi Kulkarni, endurance athlete and writer

Alex instinctively understands what a project needs, and shapes his participation to match that.

—Andrew Mazibrada, former editor, Sidetracked magazine

Alex Roddie is the only editor I know who can so artfully help me put into words the anguish of this loss.

—Ashley Parsons, Sidetracked magazine contributor


Reminiscent of Ansel Adams at his best.

—Judges for the Forfar & District Hill Walking Club annual photographic competition 2025 (winner: best overall image, best set of images)

A very satisfying portfolio of photos, with a narrative that flows from the first image through to the last. All the more impressive for the harsh winter conditions, with limitations on daylight available and the weight of wild-camping equipment.

—Judges for OWPG Photography Award 2024 (Highly Commended, 'Winter Colour')

Book manuscript editing

Without Alex’s tireless support and editorial expertise my books would never have come into existence.

—John Burns, bestselling author

I'm enjoying the process immensely, and really appreciate your corrections, reductions, insights and suggestions. I feel I'm learning a great deal, and can see that the improvements are significant!

What impresses me most is how well you can see what's needed, despite the difference in time you've spent on it compared with me. [...] you get to what matters after a few hours.

I'm also impressed by the embarrassing errors you've picked up (small scale / large scale, etc)! And I sense you're also doing a little fact checking? [...] This level of feedback certainly wasn't or isn't expected, but IS very much appreciated!

—Andrew Terrill, long-distance backpacker and author

Gear reviewing

Alex's reviews are frankly best in class.

—David Lintern, commissioning editor, The Great Outdoors

Commercial projects

I just wanted to say how amazing your interview with Lonnie Dupre for Sidetracked is, and the team at PrimaLoft love it!

Sue Reay, Director of Real PR